Marketing is one of those words in the email list English language that has more meanings than anybody could possibly keep track of. After investing over tens of thousands of email list dollars in marketing training, seminars and workshops I define marketing as something much more than an advertisement. So, here is my shot at defining email list marketing for you: Marketing is a holistic process of making somebody feel like they'd be a fool if they don't utilize your services.
This includes strategic creation of the product or service itself for a email list specific want or need of a market segment. This includes the packaging, delivery mechanism and communication strategy of consumer benefits email list to the most likely person to pay money for your creation. Read that one again... I'll say something another way to make sure email list you don't miss it.
Smart marketers take a look at email list what markets are available, and then create products or services around a segment of people that fit a demographic and/or psychographic email list profile. Made even simpler, find a group of people who want or need something, find an innovative way to fill the want or need and sell it to them. See, most business people create a product or service and then try to find markets for it.